Max De Aloe

Max De Aloe


Max De Aloe is considered one of the most active jazz harmonicists on the European scene. His works number fifteen albums as a leader and more than forty as a sideman, as well as solo shows, soundtrack composition for theaterperformances and documentary films, and creative collaborations with poets, writers and directors.


He has worked with Adam Nussbaum, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Paul Wertico, John Helliwell (Supertramp), Mike Melillo, Bill Carrothers, Eliot Zigmund, Don Friedman, Hendrik Meurkens, Paolo Fresu, Garrison Fewell, Enrico Rava, Franco Cerri, Enrico Pieranunzi, Dado Moroni and countless others. He has participated in various music seasons and festivals all over the world (Madagascar, Mozambique, SouthAfrica, Zimbabwe, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Denmark, Germany, France, Switzerland, Poland, Finland, Spain, etc).


In the last five years he won the Jazz It Award, hold by Jazzit magazine, as the best Italian musician in the category of various instruments (cello, harp, banjo, harmonica, mandolin, etc.). He also won the Orpheus Award 2015 in the jazz section with his CD Borderline.


His professional activities are split between playing and teaching. He runs his own music school, which he founded in 1995, (Centro Espressione Musicale) in Gallarate (Milan), where he teaches jazz improvisation, modern piano, accordion and above all chromatic harmonica.


He was a teacher at the Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello spettacolo of Milan’s prestigious La Scala theater.


He has published Method for Chromatic Harmonica in 2012 by Sher Music in USA and the same method in Italy for Volontè & Co. in 2013. This method has been endorsed by Toots Thielemans and by the best-known contemporary jazz harmonicists.














Discography as a leader:

Max De Aloe - La danza di Matisse (Splasch Records CDH 701.2) - 1999

Max De Aloe – Racconti Controvento (Abeat ABJZ003) - 2001

Max De Aloe – L’anima delle cose (Abeat ABJZ0019) - 2003

Max De Aloe Quartetto Crocevia – Crocevia (Abeat ABJZ 0044) - 2006

Max De Aloe Quartet – Lirico Incanto (Abeat ABJZ 0060) - 2008

Max De Aloe Quartet – Road Movie-Live at Sonvico in Jazz (Barnum f 001) - 2009

Max De Aloe/Bill Carrothers – Apnea (Abeat ABJZ 0072) - 2009

Max De Aloe Quartet – Bradipo (Abeat ABJZ 0070) – 2010

Max De Aloe – Un controcanto in tasca – DVD -(Abeat ABJZ 500) - 2011

Max De Aloe – Björk on the moon - (Abeat Records ABJZ 105) - 2012 - CD + LP

Max De Aloe/Marcella Carboni – Pop Harp - (Abeat Records ABJZ 114) – 2013

Max De Aloe/Marlise Goidanich – Mutamenti – (Barnum f 002) - 2013

Max De Aloe - Borderline - (Abeat Records ABJZ 141) - 2014

Max De Aloe Baltic Trio - Valo - (Abeat Records ABJZ 169) - 2017 - CD + LP

Max De Aloe - Coscia - Di Bonaventura - Sospiri Sospesi (Barnum BFA CD 003) - 2018 CD + LP

Max De Aloe - Librasi - Stranieri - Sonnambuli (Barnum BFA CD 007) - 2018 - CD + LP

Max De Aloe Quartet - Just for one day (Barnum for Art CD 017) - 2020

Max De Aloe Roberto Olzer - Una notte di coprifuoco - (Barnum for Art BFA CD 019) - 2021



Discography as a sideman:

Marco Detto – In The Air - (Splasch Records CDH 717.2)- 1998

Renato Sellani Quartet – Il poeta (Abeat ABJZ 001) - 2000

Mike Melillo-M.De Aloe-M. Moriconi–E la chiamano Estate (Philology w 188.2) - 2000

Antonio Turconi – Lettere dal bagnasciuga (ABLG 002)

Carlo Maria Arosio - Rosso Fiaba (CMA-AZ 002)

Barbara Casini Quartet – Uma voz para Caetano (Philology w 232.2)

Adi Souza – Dansa da vida - (MAP Records LJ 30105)

Alessandro Carabelli Group – Over and out – (Splasch Records CDH 921.2)

Giampiero Spina - Cinema Paradiso (Splasch Records)

Jazz Magazine Vol.54 – Raccolta AA.VV. – (Emme K – JM 54)

Antonella Montrasio Mudança Quintet – Meu silencio – (Videoradio 000680)

Lia Invernizzi Quintet – Nu Drop – (Music Center BA 258)

Musica Jazz Raccolta AA.VV. - Abeat Story – (MJCD 1234)

Antonio Marco Turconi – Di sole, di pioggia o di vento – (LAB 104)

Antonella Montrasio e Max De Aloe Quartet – Pingo Pingando – (Abeat ABJZ 511)

Andrea Celeste – Something Amazing – (Zerodieci)

As Moendas – O jeito da volta – (Ishtar)

Bruno De Filippi – Personal Notes – (Preludio PL113)

Massimo Ranieri - Senza ‘na ragione – Universal

Renato Franchi & Suonatore Jones – Le stagioni di Anna Frank - (Latlantide)

Jazz Club Bergamo 2013 – Raccolta AA.VV. – JCB

Marcella Carboni - Still Chime - (Abeat ABJZ 540)

Ulla Haesen - Abre Alas - (LC12427 popup media)

Attilio Zanchi - Ravel's Waltz - (Abeat ABJZ 144)

Massimo Ranieri - Piccola Enciclopedia della canzone napoletana (Sony Music) - 2015

Sharg Uldusù 4tet - Dune - (Abeat ABJZ 546)

Beatrice Zanolini - Patchwork - 2017

Cominoli - De Aloe - Zanchi - City of dreams - (Abeat ABJZ 166)

Andrea Polmonari - Ballate per viaggiatori solitari - 2017

Cleo & Winter - Another day home - (Abovoice 1019) -2017

Highlights - Growin' High - (Sound & Music Village) 2017

Lorenzo Cominoli - 17 - (Barnum for Art BFA CD 005) 2018

Salvatore Maltana Trio - My Folks (Barnum for Art BFA CD 011) - 2019

Rinky Tinky Jazz Orchestra - Dreamers - (Jsm) 2019

Gisella Ferrarin Trio - Smile (Barnum for Art BFA CD 018) - 2020

Franca Masu - Cordemar - (W Music ICWM2102) - 2021

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